Sponsor a Student or Teacher Today!

You can make a huge difference in the lives of our students and school by sponsoring a student or teacher today. The average student cost is around $6500 per year and average teacher cost is around $30,000. per year. Please consider a donation of any amount to help us continue to serve the needs in our community. We desire to give our students a life changing experience and foundation in Jesus, quality education and to develop the character and morale of each student as we grow in the Lord together.

Future Vision

We believe God has been leading us to develop a trade school and school of the arts environment for our future. We would love to train up students in trades like; agriculture, I.T./Cyber Security, Welding, Automotive, Culinary, Music, Art, etc. Our hope is to eventually purchase an additional building for our Jr. High & High School classes. We have already maxed out the occupancy of our current building and are excited to see how God will move and provide in the future.

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